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What is Bitcoin ?

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed.


Getting started with Bitcoin

Inform yourself. Bitcoin is different than any currency you’ve used, so it’s very important to understand it.


Choose your wallet

Choosing a wallet is easy, but there are lots of different options. Your wallet can be kept online, on your mobile phone or your pc.


Get Bitcoins

Obtaining bitcoins works just like obtaining any other currency. The easiest way is to buy them on one of our trusted Bitcoin exchanges.


Latest News

Reflections on Bitcoin Culture

Bitcoin is for anyone who needs it, not just people who conform to preconceived notions of what is the acceptable culture.

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July 15, 2024 0

How Web3 is Revolutionizing Water Access in Rural India

The Crypto Council for Innovation has highlighted the positive impact of web3 in rural India through a case study that demonstrated improved water access. Decentralized solutions, like those implemented by Atlantis DAO, are transforming water availabil…

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July 12, 2024 0

Italy Prepares to Issue Guidelines on Implementing EU Crypto Regulation

Italy’s central bank will soon release guidelines on implementing the European Union’s Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA) Regulation to ensure the payment system’s regular functioning, Bank of Italy Governor Fabio Panetta reve…

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July 9, 2024 0

3 Secrets To Bitcoin Investment Success

The bitcoin ecosystem got a lot of great news – investors are pouring millions into the ecosystem, the IRS clarified the U.S. tax situation, and Stripe announced they will support bitcoin.


Bitcoin investors need to have a strategy: It could be day trading, trying to pay off student loans, trying to retire, etc.


Bitcoin gives owners 100 percent control over their funds. With that great power comes responsibility. Any time funds are held in an online wallet, online exchange, or business those funds are at an increased level of risk.


Bitcoin’s price will drop. It’s price will probably drop more and faster than any other investment you’ve held.

When evaluating places to put bitcoins it is important to think of trust factors such as: who owns this company, where is this company located, what security features does this company employ, and how does this business make money?

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