Tag: scamcoin

A New Bitcoin World

Verge Is Forced to Fork After Suffering a 51% Attack

Verge Cryptocurrency Falls Prey to a 51% AttackVerge, a ”privacy coin” famed for the zealotry of its community, has fallen prey to a 51% attack. A malevolent miner gained majority control of the network hashrate, a feat that makes it possible for the controlling entity to modify transactions, calling the integrity of the entire blockchain into question. Around 250,000 verge were stolen […]

The post Verge Is Forced to Fork After Suffering a 51% Attack appeared first on Bitcoin News.

April 5, 2018 0

The World’s Worst Named Cryptocurrencies

The World’s Worst Named CryptocurrenciesSome people call them cryptocurrencies. Others call them altcoins or alts. But to many they’re known as shitcoins: digital currencies that are like bitcoin but, well, crappier. Sure, they may boast faster transactions and lower fees, but they lack the brand recognition, network effects and catchy name. Without, they were destined to be doomed. Also […]

The post The World’s Worst Named Cryptocurrencies appeared first on Bitcoin News.

November 27, 2017 0