Tag: Core

A New Bitcoin World

Bitcoin Cash Adoption Continues to Spread in North Queensland and Japan

Bitcoin Cash Adoption Continues to Spread in North Queensland and JapanBCH merchant acceptance has continued to grow month after month but there are a few regions in the world where bitcoin cash retail acceptance is thriving. Over the last few weeks, North Queensland and Japan have shown significant growth and continue to dominate as some of the densest territories of BCH merchant adoption worldwide. Also […]

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July 23, 2019 0

Bitcoin Software Wars: The Case Against Replay Attack Protection

The month of September is wrapping up, and the planned November Segwit2x (BTC1) hard fork is steadily approaching. According to the BTC1 roadmap, a block between 1MB and 2MB in size will be generated by miners raising the block size limit at block height 494,784. Over the past few months, Core developers and supporters have […]

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September 25, 2017 0

F2 Pool May Pull Hashrate Support Away From Segwit2x

Lately, there’s been a lot of controversy surrounding the Segwit2x proposal’s upcoming November hard fork. According to reports, the mining organization F2 Pool doesn’t support the 2MB fork, and the pool has also stated it hasn’t been running the BTC1 code. Also read: An Inside Look at Kim Dotcom’s Upcoming Bitcache and K.im Platform F2 Pool […]

The post F2 Pool May Pull Hashrate Support Away From Segwit2x appeared first on Bitcoin News.

September 1, 2017 0

Bitcoin Software Wars: The Battle Between Nodes, Hashpower and Developers

While many bitcoiners have been focused on the competition between Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), another significant battle is taking place. Many grueling arguments between bitcoin Core developers and their supporters, Segwit2x (Btc1) developers and proponents of the New York Agreement continue to fuel tension throughout the entire cryptocurrency community. Also read: Gibraltar Gets First […]

The post Bitcoin Software Wars: The Battle Between Nodes, Hashpower and Developers appeared first on Bitcoin News.

August 22, 2017 0

Segwit2x Working Group Announces Hard Fork Roadmap

Segregated Witness has locked-in and the Segwit2x working group has announced its roadmap for the next three months. The team of developers have detailed they are going forward with the 2MB block size increase that miners and businesses agreed upon at the New York Agreement. Also read: Gold Bug Peter Schiff Says ‘Cryptocurrency Market Signals […]

The post Segwit2x Working Group Announces Hard Fork Roadmap appeared first on Bitcoin News.

August 10, 2017 0