Tag: Chris Pacia

A New Bitcoin World

Bitcoin Cash Innovation Accelerates With Cashscript High-Level Language

Bitcoin Cash Innovation Accelerates With the High-Level Language CashscriptSoftware developers Rosco Kalis and Gabriel Cardona have been steadily working on Cashscript, a high-level programming language for Bitcoin Cash. When the language is tied to certain opcodes, specific schemes can be built that allow for autonomous and decision-based transactions. While testing Cashscript’s capabilities, the two engineers recently deployed an oracle, forfeits, an onchain wager, […]

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August 25, 2019 0

BCH Devs Publish Bi-Directional Payment Concept Based on IPFS

BCH Devs Publish Bi-Directional Payment Concept Based on IPFSOn Friday, Openbazaar and Bchd developer, Chris Pacia, revealed a new Bchd project feature currently in the making that would allow for Bitcoin Cash-based bi-directional payment channels. Moreover, in contrast to the Lightning Network, the Bchd developers explained that the team has created an overlay network based on the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS). Also Read: A […]

The post BCH Devs Publish Bi-Directional Payment Concept Based on IPFS appeared first on Bitcoin News.

December 17, 2018 0

Bitcoin Cash Community Embraces Zero Confirmation Transactions

Bitcoin Cash Community Embraces Zero Confirmation TransactionsOver the past few weeks, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community has been discussing the subject of merchants accepting zero confirmation BCH transactions. Lots of BCH merchants have been accepting zero confirms lately as well, making the discussion topical again as it was a few years ago. Also read: Russian Railways Eyes Crypto for Tickets, Blockchain […]

The post Bitcoin Cash Community Embraces Zero Confirmation Transactions appeared first on Bitcoin News.

July 1, 2018 0