
A New Bitcoin World

Former paypal COO David Sacks Discusses Bitcoin – Argues ICOs Are Threat to VCs

Former paypal COO, David Sacks, discussed bitcoin and cryptocurrency during a recent interview with CNBC. During the interview, Sacks articulated that bitcoin is fulfilling the vision for a digital payment network originally held by Paypal, and expressed his belief that cryptocurrencies pose a significant threat to the venture capital sector. Also Read: 20+ New ICOs Announced […]

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August 17, 2017 0

Washington Politicians Defend Regulations as Cryptocurrency Exchanges Flee

Washington regulators recently introduced exchange rules for any firm wanting to allow customers to trade in cryptocurrency. They said they created Senate Bill 5031 to make the ecosystem fair for cryptocurrency exchanges and their customers. However, a number of exchanges have left the area, because they believe the rules were too burdensome. Now Washington lawmakers […]

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August 17, 2017 0 Claims to Offer Fully Anonymous Bitcoin Transactions claims to facilitate fully anonymous bitcoin transactions. The websites receives monero (XMR) from users, and in return sends a corresponding quantity of bitcoin on behalf of the user, obscuring the origin of the payment. Also Read: Hackers Use NSA Exploit to Mine Monero Using Victims’ Computers purports to offer total anonymity by obscuring […]

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August 16, 2017 0

Venezuelan Bitcoin Mining Continues Despite Government Crackdown

The Atlantic has reported that Venezuelan bitcoin mining continues despite government efforts to crack down on miners. Venezuela has long suffered from extreme hyperinflation, inspiring many Venezuelans to mine cryptocurrency to supplement their incomes. Also Read: Bitcoin Trading in Venezuela Intensifies, Bolivar Still Down and Devalued Bitcoin Mining Is Gaining Popularity in Venezuela in Part Due […]

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August 15, 2017 0

Bitcoin Cash Thrives During Its First Two Weeks of Life

It’s been two weeks since the hard fork on August 1, which formed a new network called Bitcoin Cash (BCH). As the days continue, BCH has garnered more support over the last two weeks from cryptocurrency-based businesses, exchanges and wallet providers. Also Read: Panel Recommends Indian Government Take Immediate Steps to Stop Bitcoin Use Bitgo Wallet […]

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August 14, 2017 0

Russia Discusses Starting Cryptocurrency Mining With Its 20+ Gigawatt Surplus

Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has revealed that discussions are underway regarding the creation of government centers for cryptocurrency mining, according to local publications. Meanwhile, a bill is being finalized to provide a legal framework for digital currency including bitcoin. Also read: Russia Prepares to Legalize ICOs Government’s Cryptocurrency Mining Centers The Russian First Deputy […]

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August 14, 2017 0

Game of Thrones Hackers Demand $7.5M in Bitcoin From HBO – or Spoiler Alert Galore

Just recently a group of hackers made off with 1.5TB of data from servers owned by the cable television network HBO. The thieves managed to leak a few unaired episodes of the network’s original shows and a Game of Thrones script from this Sunday’s new episode. According to reports, the hackers want a total of […]

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August 12, 2017 0

Segwit2x Working Group Announces Hard Fork Roadmap

Segregated Witness has locked-in and the Segwit2x working group has announced its roadmap for the next three months. The team of developers have detailed they are going forward with the 2MB block size increase that miners and businesses agreed upon at the New York Agreement. Also read: Gold Bug Peter Schiff Says ‘Cryptocurrency Market Signals […]

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August 10, 2017 0

Australian Senators Push to Make Bitcoin Official Currency

Two Australian senators have pushed for the Reserve Bank of Australia to embrace bitcoin and make it an official currency. Without it, the country risks its financial competitiveness and being left behind, they said. Also read: Hedge Funds Investing in Cryptocurrencies ‘Exploding’ – 62 in Pipeline Senators Call for Bitcoin to Be Official Currency Labor senator […]

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August 8, 2017 1

Segwit2x and the Tale of Three Bitcoins

As the entire community has been laser-focused on the recent hard fork and Bitcoin network split, many people have forgotten about the Segwit2x plan. Miners who participated in the ‘New York Agreement’ (NYA) have kept their promise and Segregated Witness will lock-in on the network in roughly two weeks. Also read: Gwyneth Paltrow Joins Bitcoin Wallet […]

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August 5, 2017 0